About us
Green Living Federation is the result of the project "Partnership
for a clean environment, waste reduction and sustainable development"
(www.gestiunedeseuri.ro). The project was implemented under the coordination of the
Regional Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu and the Association of Local and
Regional Authorities of Norway, it was
based on extensive partnership between Romania - Norway: Sibiu City Hall
(Capital of Culture 2007), Stavanger Hall (Capital of Culture 2008), Mediaş Hall,
Sălişte Hall, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu County Council, Waste Management
Norway, Stavanger Green Living, Ecological Club BIOS and the Association of
Towns of Romania.
The desire to get very many results in a relatively short
period of time, forced the partners to find solutions required to continue the
results of this project. One of the solutions was the establishing of The
Association for Waste Management in Romania and Green Living Federation.
The Association for Waste
Management in Romania is a professional association that has to continue some
of the benefits of this project, such as construction and demolition waste
management, hazardous waste management of household waste, increasing
professionalism of those working in waste management, and support the young
generation that intends to work in this field.
Green Living Federation was formed
from the need to strengthen the NGO sector, the need to support the professionalization
of associations in improving these types of services offered to the public or
local authorities.
A model in this sense was for us
the Norwegian organization Green Living. Green Living organization provides
social services for citizens, being more appealing to them than public
For now, Green Living Federation
(Romania) is composed of: Ecological Club BIOS Sibiu, Sibiu Regional Eco-museum
Association and Community Foundation Sibiu and Association Sibiel 2000. The presidency
is held this year Ecological Club BIOS. www.clubbios.ro
Ecological Club BIOS
It was established in 1996 with
the purpose of protecting environment and nature, the main means of protecting
life and preserving the natural, cultural and historic heritage of our country.
Over the years Ecological Club BIOS took action with pioneering characteristics
in environmental protection:
- A rich database to promote
tourism in the Balea region;
- Intensive courses in
environmental protection for rural local government;
- Development and lobby for
adoption HCL nr.19/24.02.2000 regarding protection, preservation and
development of green spaces, decision currently in force;
- Organizing for 14 years a
flower exhibition called "De Florii" held annually at the Sibiu
Environmental Protection Agency;
- Editing the first material on
reduction and selective waste collection and recycling method of composting
organic waste; in Romania.
- The first national exhibition
on clean technologies for water treatment;
- Constructing the first green
roof on the building of EPA Sibiu and lobby for the green roof idea at
ministries involved in this domain.
Community Foundation Sibiu
Community Foundation Sibiu was
established in April 2000. It’s mission is complex development of settlements
trough civic and financial participation. The Foundation's objectives include:
promoting and implementing intersectional partnership, supporting activities of
NGO’s and community groups to develop a complex
community, support for self-management of communities, implementation of
environmental, cultural, social, economic projects for complex development,
involving citizens in community management, development of short-term
strategies for cities and monitoring their implementation. Community Foundation
Sibiu Romania is a member of the Dialogue Network Romania whose mission is to
promote democratic values by involving citizens, public institutions, NGOs and
business sector, management/development to improve quality of life in settlements.
Regional Eco-museum Association
in 2006, it proposes the development of an eco-museum on the territory of 6 settlements
from Sibiu county, which should aid authorities an d local communities in
saving and preserving cultural and natural heritage, integration in economical
circuits with competitive products, creating a quality touristic offer and the
shaping of a specific identity of the eco-museum through the involvement of
local communities.
Eco-museum Sibiu is between the few in the world which aims to meet the
criteria of a ``true`` ``eco-museum`` because the ``museum`` is actually the
site all objectives being placed in settlements forming our association: Sălişte,
Gura Rîului, Moşna, Valea Viilor, Biertan şi Chirpăr (Săsăuş). In fact each
settlement is presented as an objective of the museum the main role being
played by the community which has to take care of the tourists and invite them
in their houses and workshops.
Eco-museum can represent a viable instrument in saving the identity of the
Romanian village through its project the Association being involved in:
- Development of a quality tourist offer for
each locality
- Saving natural and cultural heritage
- Sustainable economic development
- Valuing the specificity of local identity
and the relationship between the local community and territory
Sibiel 2000 Association
The purpose Of the Sibiel 2000 is
to stimulate, initiate, support and promote the creation, customs, crafts,
cultural heritage of the village and the villages of Sălişte’s neighbourhoods,
on a priority basis, as well as other communities.
The association is involved in
humanitarian actions such as helping orphanages, homes for the elderly, people
with social problems or widows.