Project co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union
The project is developed by the Green Living Federation (Federația Trai Verde) and it is funded by a grant of 56.500 CHF from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union. The value of the cofounding from Green Living Federation is 6.284 CHF.
Project goal:
Promoting models of good practice, regarding sustainable development of local communities, and strengthening the Green Living Federation.
Main objectiv:
Involving civil society to preserve and sustainable recover the natural heritage and traditional rural landscape in the area Sibiel – Fantanele.
Specific objectives:
1. In situ conservation of the genetic heritage of apple and pear varieties that exist in the Sibiel - Fântânele area by inventorying and mapping and practical training of over 70 owners of orchards;
2. Sustainable recovery of the local genetic heritage for improving tourist services and the development of ecological agriculture by promoting a brand of apple and informing over 5,000 citizens;
3. Strengthening organizational capacity through diversification of services provided to members and beneficiaries by the development of at least 2 new services and increasing the visibility of the federation and its members.
Project’s results:
Objective 1 – In situ conservation of the genetic heritage:
1.1. Report regarding the apple and pear orchards in the area;
1.2. Descriptive list of apple and pear varieties in the study area;
1.3. GIS Database with the inventoried varieties and information collected at activity 2.1.;
1.4. Red list of fruit varieties in the area;
1.5. 100 trees of different varieties protected by cleaning, trimming work and organic treatment
of the trunk;
1.6. Training 70 owners of orchards and 30 children in orchards and value of species diversity;
1.7. Conference: Adapting to climate change through biodiversity conservation and
sustainable farming for 40 specialists from academic, administrative, NGO field.
1.8. Brochure about the importance of biodiversity conservation of cultured plant as a means
for adaptability to climate change.
Objective 2 – Sustainable recovery of genetic heritage:
2.1. Report on the identification of all natural, ethnographic, technological values on the
evolution of fruit growing in the area;
2.2. Two eco-museum tours in the villages Sibiel and Fântânele;
2.3. Six information seminars on organic farming, ecological tourism and rural sustainable
development for approx. 400 citizens, holders of pensions and owners of orchards;
2.4. Two exhibitions of traditional varieties of apples and pears in the area;
2.5. Two events for tasting pear and apple varieties and local products based on the two fruits;
2.6. Leaflet about the care of trees and grafting;
2.7. Leaflet presenting the eco-museum circuit in the Fântânele - Sibiel area;
2.8. Presentation Booklet of the varieties of apple and pear in the Sibiel - Fântânele area.
Objective 3 – Strengthening organizational capacity:
3.1. Accreditation of Green Living Federation as a service provider in training;
3.2. Increasing the quality of Green Living web-site by increasing interactivity and available
3.3. The Green Living Federation leaflet and presentation folders;
3.4. Meeting with two organizations in Switzerland active in the biodiversity field.
The schedule of the project activities is available here.